
Today the #tartan was #sprayed with #awlgrip #awlcraft2000 #pigeonblue . This is the first time we`ve sprayed this color and were pleased with the results. The classic two tone topside/nonskid should really make this unique color stand out. Stay tuned for the rest of this major #build. ...

#tartan 37 project #topside #sprayjob using #awlgrip ...

Topside spray job on our complete refit project on the #tartan #37 #awlgrip #nonskid #griptex . Stay tuned. The teak and mahogany has recieved the #awlwood treatment. The mast and boom has been sprayed with #awlgrip and the hull will be sprayed with #awlgrip this week we`ll keep the color a surprise. Stay tuned for pictures of all the refinishing. We`ve had a busy summer! ...

Some #green #tooling #gelcoat prepping the custom #doublewideduckboat time to #layupsomeglass just in time for #duckhunting on the #gsb #greatsouthbay ...

New topside custom molded fiberglass piece being fitted on the restored, enclosed transom #fightingladyyellow #awlgrip #mako22 #makoboats #mako #gilbracket #boatyard #fiberglass #closedtransommako @mako_boats ...

#mako22 close transom back deck enclosure mold ...

#transom closed on the #mako 22` . Working on smoothing out the back deck floor and adding a deck and some hatches to the top of the transom. For more pictures of the construction check out our facebook. #mako #classicmako #custommako #gilbracket #mercury #makoraceboat ...

Work on the #morgan41 continues. We currently are applying #awlgrip #awlwood to the teak and mahogany. This is after the first coat. At the end of the day today we will be applying the 7th and final finish coat. This product is far superior to any other exterior wood coatings on the market. The durability and quality of the finish is phenomenal. The wood on this boat was in great shape after we sanded it so this is with the Awlwood clear primer. @awlgrip Tomorrow we will have pictures of the finished product and you will see how deep the finish is. ...

Closing the transom on a 1980s 22` #mako. The old plywood was completely soaked. It will be equipped with a #gilbracket to support the #mercury 250. ...

After a week of #fillingandsanding tomorrow we #spray the smooth surfaces on the #morgan41 and next week after that cures we will be spraying the #nonskid ...

#morgan #sailboat in for some major winter repair and upgrades. Repairing the decks using #composite #nidacore before they are resprayed with #awlgrip. Stripping the #teak to prep the wood for some #awlwood. Mocking up a redesigned and upgraded stern rail. Thats just the beginning of a long list, there`s a bunch of work being done below deck aswell. Check back for more updates to this ole` #morgan41 @awlgrip ...

#december #boatride. 62 and #sunny on the #greatsouthbay ...

The #tartan 37 is in #awlgrip #primer and #shrinkwrapped for a month or two while we start a ton of work on a #morgan 41 stay tuned for more pictures of the projects ...

The #Tartan 37-2 that we are doing a complete #mast to #keel #refit on was #sprayed with some #awlgrip #epoxy #primer on Monday Time for a ton of #fillingandsanding ...

Fiberglass repair on a little #bostonwhaler and a quick #iceblue @awlgrip #twotone #paintjob ...

Day 3 in #fortlauderdale at #flibs2015 #sunny and 90 degrees but atleast there`s a breeze. 3 days of walking around and I still haven`t seen all the #boats . Such a huge #boatshow ...

Night time at #flibs2015 ...

#flibs2015 day 2 still #sunny and 85 this place is huge. It`s amazing to see so many #superyachts in one place ...

#arawak at #flibs2015 come check out this 42` #grandbanks at the B dock over by the #hinckley and hear about this major restoration we were a part of alongside #awlgrip #yanmar #interlux and a bunch of other great companies ...

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